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Showing posts from February, 2023

Building resilience through nature-based and community-centred approach

By Garbhit Naik*, Mansee Bal Bhargava**  Climate Change is a natural phenomenon caused due to the transitions in the way earth moves. In the past, it was considered to be a slow transition that would give all the life forms to adapt to changes. Little was known that industrialization, urbanization and technological advancements would put transition in a fast forward mode, so much so to bring the greatest risk to existence of life. The overtly put inclination in technology driven development led to arrogance in human endeavors to conquer nature. At the same time, an avoidance and ignorance grew in the modern society about the traditional wisdom that the best way to fix social-ecological problems is through nature conservation with the help of local communities. In the session on ‘Building Resilience through a Nature-Based and Community-centered approach’ , the focus is on the need to understand, acknowledge and apply the nature-based and community centered learning to help build resili

'Vulgar display of wealth': Govt of India using G20 presidency for political, electoral gains

Counterview Desk  Seeking endorsement for a public statement on India's G20 Presidency, several people’s movements, trade unions and other civil society groups have come together to say that not only will G20 and its priorities “will worsen economic, social and climate crisis”, already, India’s presidency is being used “for vulgar display of pomp & for electoral gains.”

Climate change: Has India given up even feeble but much-needed mitigation efforts?

Shankar Sharma, Power & Climate Policy Analyst, writes to the Secretary, MoEF&CC, Govt. of India, with copy to the Union Minister, Environment, Forests & Climate Change, New Delhi, and the Vice-Chairperson, NITI Aayog: *** This has reference to a statement attributed to you, which has reported : "The forthcoming United Nations Conference of Parties ( COP-28 ) in Dubai must focus on adaptation instead of mitigation, Leena Nandan, Secretary, Environment Ministry said at a public meeting." From the perspective of a common person like me, the general understanding among the masses has been to put the primary focus on mitigation in addressing the fast looming threats of Climate Change, while adaptation is deemed necessary/ essential to minimise the hardships to the vulnerable sections of the society. The recommendations from the scientific communities also have been on the same lines. It is not clear from the IPCC reports, whether there has been a clear recommendat

Petition blames saffron outfits for recent 'organised outburst' of hate in Maharashtra

Counterview Desk  A petition floated by the human rights organisation Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP), addressed to Eknath Shinde, chief minister of Maharashtra, with a copy to Rajnish Sheth, Director General of Police (DGP), Maharashtra, has expressed alarm over what it calls "dangerous trend of hate-mongering" boding ill for "social harmony" in the State.

Gujarat state budget shows govt doesn't believe in 'sabka sath sabka vishwas'

By Mujahid Nafees*  In the budget for the year 2023-24 presented by the Gujarat government, only 0.024% of the budget is for the welfare of 11.5% minorities. The budget is disappointing for Gujarat's most backward minority community. Last year the minority participation in the budget was 0.033% and this year it is 0.024%. It suggests discriminatory behavior of the government toward minorities. The Budget for 2023-24 was presented by the Gujarat Government in the Legislative Assembly by Finance Minister Shri Kanubhai Desai. The budget of the Gujarat government for the previous year 2022-23 was 243965 crores while for this year 2023-24, it is proposed to be 301022 crores, an increase of 57057 crores this year compared to the previous year which is a percentage increase of 23%. A close look at the deprived sections and the large section of society in the budget makes, it clear that this government does not really believe in the Sabka sath sabka vishwas. The budget for the welfare of

Though poles apart, Ambedkar, Savarkar held 'identical views' on caste, two nation theory

By Rishi Shrivastava*  Indian modern political history has an entirety of thoughts of icons, miscreants and leaders who shaped the future of Indian political discourse. The ideas that drove post-colonial India were contradictory in ideological, political, economic, social and contextual aspects. In this shaping of the post-colonial nation that was vulnerable in all of the dimensions, various hurdles have come into existence. Many national leaders who were in the same ideological bloc have become rivals with their own set of ideas and views about social issues and nation-building.

Global Biodiversity Framework should protect indigenous rights from harmful industries

By Hannah Greep*  “Never before have the business and finance sector been so present at a biodiversity COP.” This is how the Executive Secretary of the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD), Elizabeth Mrema, opened the first ever ‘Finance Day’ at the CBD COP15 . The conference, held in Montreal in December last year, was the first time that financial institutions and businesses have shown up in large numbers to discuss how biodiversity impacts their business. It is perhaps telling for the dramatic state of the world's biodiversity that finally banks are recognising that biodiversity loss is a material issue that they must begin to address. Financial institutions present at the Conference, including Bank of Montreal, HSBC and Bank of America, all stressed the importance of protecting biodiversity alongside efforts to curb the effects of climate change. However, little was said on how financial institutions will address their continued finance for industries that are driving bio

Bangladesh daily shutdown: Reason? Editor, a 'fugitive, lives in UK to avoid jail term'

By Aziz Patwary*  On February 19th, the Bangladesh authorities shutdown a daily newspaper, "Dainik Dinkal", for allegedly violating the country’s press and publication law. The decision has created a national debate in Bangladesh. Many portray this shutdown by legal intervention as an attack on the country’s media freedom. The issue has also attracted international media such as BBC, "Al Jazeera" and "The Guardian".

Sunil Gavaskar, G Viswanath rated Andy Roberts best fast bowler they ever faced

By Harsh Thakor  The West Indies pace quartet or battery of the 1970’s and 1980’s truck terror to deliver a knockout punch, like never in cricket history. One was reminded of bomber raiding an airbase or a combing operation. Andy Roberts was the pioneer in orchestrating or propelling the most fiery and lethal pace bowling attack ever in the history of the game. Simply the godfather of Modern West Indies fast bowlers. He spearheaded the pack from the mid 1970’s .Without Andy the talent of Michael Holding, Joel Garner and Colin Croft would never have blossomed.Michael Holding credits Andy for shaping his great bowling career, by infusing vital elements. Roberts in 1974 in Bridgetown, playing against England became the first man from Antigua to represent West Indies in a test match. Andy was one of the key factors in West Indies turning from bunch of talented individuals into an almost invincible unit, creating equivalent of renaissance. Roberts was simply the equivalent of a surgeon as f

Indian democracy: Insignificant people's share in comparison to political parties

By Harasankar Adhikari  Morality is the greatest quality of a human being. It is the prime mark of making difference from animal being. Education in all its forms is the only parameter that makes a human being moral. So, Einstein realized, "The most important human endeavour is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. "Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life." But morality is eroding day by day because of the influence of materialisation and consumerism in world society. People are hungry for wealth, power, and prestige. Einstein’s opinion that "only a life lived for others is worthwhile" is not followed among the powerful elite. His caution: " I am absolutely convinced that no amount of wealth in the world can help humanity forward, even in the hands of the most dedicated worker in this cause. The example of great and pure personalities can lead us to noble deeds and

Child marriage crackdown: Dread, dismay in Assam, young mothers rendered helpless

By Srinivas Goli, Shreya Singh*  The Assam government’s recent efforts towards addressing child marriages in the state appears to be doing more harm than good. Recent weeks have witnessed a brutal crackdown on culprits identified under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO, 2012) and Prevention of Child Marriages Act (PCMA, 2006) in the state of Assam . So far over several thousand arrested under PCMA. Supposedly driven by the underage marriage rate estimate provided by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS)-5 released in 2022, the government claims to continue this exercise till the next state elections of 2026.

Eliminating child marriage? Why is Assam CM so restive despite abuse of law allegation

By Nava Thakuria*  By 2026, will the Assam government eliminate the menace of child marriage, if one goes by State chief minister Himanta Biswa Sarma’s "commitment"? The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government in Dispur claims to be fighting against the social evil in the State with full political will. Child marriage is a social scourge, and the State government is committed to ensure the evil practice is stopped, states Sarma.

Will Gujarat Assembly librarian come under Modi scanner, thanks to this display?

By Rajiv Shah  This was interesting: a Facebook friend put up a photo on the timeline, stating, "In the library of Gujarat Assembly, Gandhi, Savarkar, Marx and Modi stay together." I am not sure how would the powers that be reaction to this. But I can at least try to predict: the librarian who allowed this display in the library would sooner or later would get a flak, or worse, lose his or job -- such is the atmosphere we seem to live in. I am not saying this because the books on Gandhi, Savarkar, Marx and Modi have been put side by side, but because one of the books on display is "Modi Demystified: The Making of a Prime Minister" (2014), authored by Ramesh Menon, whom I peripherally know as a veteran journalist. I have met him a couple of times, and have interacted with him on phone and social media apps.  While I have not read the book, I know him as a Modi critic. This is what the introduction to the book on Amazon , which is selling it, says: "Behind the as

Despite Modi, corruption is the order of the day both in private and public sectors

By NS Venkataraman*  In the last nine years after Mr. Narendra Modi assumed office as Prime Minister of India, there is no doubt that India has achieved significant progress and has made rapid strides in multiple directions .Several infrastructure projects, welfare programmes , proactive policies towards industrial development and number of reform measures have been implemented. However, one area where there is not much of difference is in the level of corruption at different levels all over India. While Mr. Modi has ensured that top administration in central government is nearly transparent without corrupt dealings, this is not so in the case of lower level of administration and in several states in the country. Cross section of people living in various parts of India in different age groups, educational level and economic strata are of the view that the most serious problem confronting India today is the widespread corruption in government departments and public l

State providing legitimacy to heinous crimes, as cries for justice in India 'grow shriller'

By Fr Cedric Prakash SJ*  In India, the cries for justice are becoming louder and longer! They come from different segments of society and particularly from those who continue to be exploited and excluded! These cries are heart-rending: anyone with an iota of conscience will hear them! The sad and tragic reality is that these cries will remain unheard; those who need to hear these cries and to respond to them, have deadened their ears and hardened their hearts!

Can Myanmar-Bangladesh ties promote ASEAN-SAARC regional stability, prosperity?

By Sufian Siddique*  Naf River flows through Bangladesh and Myanmar. The Rohingyas who fled through this river crossing the tortured, oppressed, expelled and fearing for their lives have taken refuge in Bangladesh. However, trade between the two countries can continue on this river route, cargo ships can crowd the river ports of the two countries. Boats full of tourists can be floated on the river where tourists can see the sights of Bangladesh and Myanmar. Although the ongoing Rohingya problem with this neighboring country of Bangladesh is an obstacle, initiatives should be continued to improve the relationship between the two countries. Bangladesh's two neighbouring countries are India and Myanmar. There is a 271 km border between Myanmar and Bangladesh. Although the two countries are close to each other historically and socially, there is a lack of close contact between the people of the two countries. Burma (now Myanmar) recognized Bangladesh on January 13, 1972 after independe

Why anti-Mamata agitations, movements by BJP, Congress, CPM lack any strength

By Harasankar Adhikari  Mamata Banerjee, the Trinamool Congress (TMC) Supremo and the Chief Minister of West Bengal, is a leader of gossip, debate, and criticism. She is among the very few leaders in India’s political history who have had no family background in politics, and she founded a separate political party and came to power in West Bengal. The most important question in this democracy is whether she is an exceptionally exceptional leader or a leader without merit. She has every right to secure her captive vote bank. At least, poll results showed many times her party’s victory with an absolute majority in the last three assembly polls in West Bengal. She is the only leader who formed her own party, and she is in power after defeating the 34-year-old Left Front within a decade. The majority of the population supports her and her party in spite of anti-encumbrance measures and continuous publicity (media trail and attack by the opposition). Now her government and her party are fac